Ways to Refresh Your Mind During School Holidays

When working in a primary school setting, whether you are a teaching staff member or part of the support staff, your dedication and hard work throughout the school year are commendable. However, it’s essential to take a step back and rejuvenate your mind and spirit during the well-deserved school holidays. These breaks provide a wonderful opportunity for you to recharge, refuel, and return to school with renewed energy and enthusiasm. We, Excelsior Multi Academy Trust, would like to share some effective ways to refresh your mind during the school holidays so you can come back stronger than ever.


1. Embrace the Outdoors

Spending time in nature can significantly reduce stress and improve your mood. Whether it’s taking a long walk, going for a swim, or simply enjoying a picnic, being outside allows you to disconnect from technology and enjoy the present moment. The fresh air and physical activity can do wonders for clearing your mind.


2. Develop a New Hobby

The holidays are an excellent time to explore new interests. Learning a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument, painting, or cooking, can be incredibly fulfilling. Not only does it provide a creative outlet, but it also helps you develop a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem.


3. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for mental rejuvenation. Taking just a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness can help you manage stress and improve your concentration. There are plenty of apps and online resources available to guide beginners through the basics of meditation.


4. Read for Pleasure

Reading for pleasure, as opposed to academic reading, allows your mind to relax and escape into different worlds. Choose books that interest you, whether they are fiction, non-fiction, or even graphic novels. Reading can improve your empathy, reduce stress, and enhance your imagination.


5. Maintain a Balanced Routine

While it’s tempting to sleep in and stay up late during the holidays, maintaining a balanced routine can help you feel more energised. Aim for a regular sleep schedule, eat nutritious meals, and incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. A balanced lifestyle supports both your physical and mental well-being.


6. Connect with Friends and Family

Spending quality time with loved ones can be incredibly refreshing. Whether it’s catching up with friends over coffee, having a family game night, or taking a trip together, these interactions provide emotional support and strengthen your relationships.


7. Set Personal Goals

Setting and achieving personal goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction. These goals don’t have to be academic; they can be related to fitness, personal projects, or learning something new. Breaking them down into manageable steps and celebrating your progress along the way can be very rewarding.


8. Take Digital Breaks

Constantly being connected to digital devices can be mentally exhausting. Consider taking regular breaks from screens, including social media. Use this time to engage in offline activities that you enjoy, such as journaling, drawing, or simply relaxing without any distractions.


9. Volunteer or Give Back

Volunteering your time to help others can be a gratifying way to spend your holidays. It not only benefits your community but also provides a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Look for local organisations or causes that resonate with you and get involved.


10. Plan for the Future

Use the holiday period to reflect on your achievements and plan for the future. Setting academic and personal goals for the upcoming school term can help you stay focused and motivated. Creating a vision board or writing down your aspirations can provide clarity and direction.


By incorporating these activities into your holiday routine, you can ensure that you return to school with a refreshed mind, ready to embrace new opportunities and challenges. Remember, the key is to find a balance between relaxation and activity that works best for you.