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Replenish - Fuel up on knowledge to help you tackle your healthy eating goals

The first step towards building a healthy and vibrant life is nutritious and delicious food. A healthy diet can help prevent chronic diseases and make you feel good, from the inside out. 

According to the World Health Authority a healthy diet helps protect against diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. An unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise are one of the leading risks to health.

Its all too easy in todays busy lifestyles to consume on the go, usually foods which are high in energy, fats, sugars and salt forgetting to eat enough fruit, vegetables, fibres and grains.

So what do the World Health Organisation say are the basic principles of a healthy diet?


Fruit and Veg

Eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day will reduce your risk of diseases and make sure you get in dietary fibre.

  • Include them in your meals
  • Include them in your snacks
  • Eat them by season!
  • Eat a variety

Get some tips on how to include your 5 a day here Get your 5 a day



Reducing your Fat intake will help reduce unhealthy weight gain and also your risk of developing diseases

  • Swap frying for boiling or steaming
  • Replace your butters and lards with sunflower oils
  • Reduce those baked, fried and pre-packaged foods such as biscuits, cakes and doughnuts

You can find out more about reducing saturated fat here Reduce your saturated fat


Salt, sodium and potassium

A lot of people consume too much sodium through salt and not enough potassium which can contribute to high blood pressure increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Most salt comes from processed foods such as processed meats, salty snacks and ready meals.  
  • Limit the amount of salt you use when cooking
  • Limit the salty snacks
  • Choose products with lower sodium content
  • Check the labels before you buy

Follow this link for tips to lower the salt in your diet Reduce your salt intake



The intake of free sugars should be reduced to less than 10% of total energy intake. Excess calories from foods and drinks high in free sugars contribute to unhealthy weight gain. A reduction in free sugar intake can reduce chances of cardiovascular diseases. So, try, if you can, to

  • Watch out for the sugary snacks and beverages and fizzy carbonated drinks
  • Swap the sugary snacks for fresh fruit and raw vegetables

Click here to find out 5 easy ways to reduce your sugar intake Reduce your sugar intake

Please visit the NHS eat well guide which provides an in-depth interactive guide of how to achieve a healthy and balanced diet. Click here: NHS EatWell Guide

The Science of Nutrition and Health Eating

Course Description

Are we really what we eat? How do we know what is in our food? Does it need to be difficult to follow a healthy eating pattern?

Find out more here


Nutrition and Health

Course Description

Gain an understanding of the impact that food and diet has on health and gain a nutrition-related qualification as an addition to your current skillset.

Find out more here


Food as medicine

Course Description

This course introduces the concept of food as medicine. You will explore how food can be important both in preventative health and as an aid in the management of certain chronic diseases today, in the past and in the future. You will also learn about what’s in food that gives it the potential to improve our health and how to recognise which types of foods are essential for health and wellbeing, and how food can play an important role in treating/preventing disease.

Find out more here

Hi I’m Chris Cave 

I am a qualified Health & Weight Loss coach and Nutrition Consultant. My journey started in 2016 when I was overweight, unfit, my cholesterol & blood sugar levels were too high & none of my clothes fitted me anymore.

I decided to change my lifestyle then & change the way I looked after my health & body. I became fascinated with nutrition, stress, sleep, habit changing & exercise so decided to study & qualify in nutrition & health coaching. I did a few gym classes at the back of the room as I was embarrassed with my stomach & fitness but by 2019 I loved it so much I also qualified to teach the classes in the gym standing at the front of the studio! I am now much fitter & healthier in my late 40s than I ever was in my 30s & 20s!

I now love helping my clients lose weight, change their lifestyle & see amazing results in their energy levels. Looking after your health is the best thing you can ever do for yourself & your loved ones & it can be easy to do once you know how!

Good health is not just about losing weight on a diet, it’s far more – Great health comes from a blend of good nutrition, sleep, stress, exercise, the way you eat, movement, hydration & metabolism. But it’s easier than you think!

If you would like a free chat please feel free to contact me.

Tel  07877 217630

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Need Inspiration?

The Good Food guide provide a great selection of healthy and tasty recipes to try.

The Good Food Guide

Try these recipes from Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver recipes

Lots of different ideas by Waitrose and Tesco

Healthy Recipes from Waitrose

Healthy recipes from Tesco

More healthy recipe ideas from Eating Well

Eating Well

Try these recommended apps




Feel great about what you ate







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Lose weight, eat better and move more

Changing health