
Revive Root

Re-vive – Recharge yourself with resources for sleeping well, taking time off and unwinding

In a journal written by the Environmental Research and Public Health body, it is reported good sleep guarantees mental health and wellbeing. Furthermore, stress and sleep deprivation are associated with an increase in cardiovascular risk factors in individuals who don’t exercise. Its proven that resting boosts your immune system, sharpens your mind and recharges your body. 


Sleep is an essential factor for wellbeing!

The recommended number of hours sleep a night for adults is between 7 and 9 hours. So how can you rest your mind, get the sleep you deserve and wake up feeling refreshed?

Here are some top tips from Thrive Global

  • Take a hot bath. This is proven to induce relaxation and encourage a good night’s sleep.
  • Try a wind down routine, maybe some meditation or deep breathing exercises, what ever makes you feel relaxed.
  • Switch off those devices at least an hour before bed.
  • Have a regular sleep routine and stick to it.
  • Think about your surroundings. A comfortable bed and relaxing bedroom can make all the difference
  • Open the window! In a study from 2015, lower levels of CO2 in the bedroom led to better sleep and improved performance the next day. 

Do you struggle with racing thoughts at night which stop you getting to sleep?

According to an article by Thrive Global

That voice is more vocal at night, according to Fiona Barwick, Ph.D., director of the Sleep & Circadian Health Clinic at Stanford University School of Medicine’s Sleep Medicine Center, “because that’s when our emotional brain, with its negativity bias, gets unleashed, and our executive brain, which regulates our emotions and imposes reason, is offline.”

“It’s normal for adults to wake up several times during the night. But what wakes us up is not what keeps us up. What keeps us lying awake is our stress response — the fight-or-flight instinct that gets triggered when our ‘obnoxious roommate’ won’t keep quiet,”


How do you calm your mind at night?


A worry list

Simply keep a piece of paper and pen at the side of your bed. Before you sleep write down your thoughts and worries. This way you remove them from your mind and onto paper, helping to clear your head to get to sleep. 


A gratitude journal

Before you go to bed write down 3 things in your life that are good or that you are grateful for, this could be anything at all. Gratitude is proven to induce a positive mental state helping you to fall asleep more easily. Research shows as little as two minutes of gratitude practice can help improve your mood. 


Learn to unwind with meditation and mindfulness techniques

Mindfulness and meditation are great as part of your wind down routine helping to relieve stress that has built up during the day.


Don’t go to bed too early

Are you a night owl? Some people naturally feel sleepy later than others. If you go to bed too early you might find yourself lying awake. If so, get up and distract yourself for 20 minutes, try to find your own routine. If you do find yourself lying awake try the 4-7-8 breathing technique recommended by MySleep30

  • Close your mouth
  • Inhale for the count of four
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven
  • Exhale forcefully through your mouth (tongue against teeth) for a count of eight
  • Repeat

It’s a little weird at first, but then it gets easy: 4. 7. 8.   4. 7. 8.   4. 7. 8. Repeat the cycle three more times, if you can. You might fall asleep in the middle of . . .


Ready for a break now?!

Take a break here with salesforce.

Take a wellbeing break with Camp B Well to gain useful tips and insights from speakers and wellbeing experts. Find out more here:

B-Well Together – Wellbeing Breaks
Want to learn more? Try these courses….

Awareness of Mental Health Problems

Course Description

Anyone who works around people with mental health problems needs to understand each condition fully. Likewise, anyone who has seen someone experience mental health problems would benefit from understanding the meaning, causes, effects, symptoms and management of the condition. This nationally recognised qualification covers all of these aspects and is the perfect place to start.

Link: Awareness of mental health problems
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance

Course Description

Stressed by the pace of modern life? Mindfulness might be the answer. Research shows that when you’re not deliberately paying attention to something, your brain goes into default mode causing increased anxiety and poor communication. Mindfulness can help end this unproductive behaviour. In this online course, you’ll learn how to incorporate mindfulness practices into your life, to reduce stress and improve your personal and professional life.

Link: Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
Excelsior MAT employees can also access an wellbeing online portal with a range of different courses and tips on wellbeing. Please contact HR for details.


Meet our root advocate Beatrix Schmidt

Beatrix is a sleep coach, professional speaker and the author of The Sleep Deep Method®. Having struggled with insomnia and burning herself out in her mid-twenties, she spent the last 10 years researching sleep and learning that in order for us to sleep well at night, we need to look much deeper than just how tired we are and the number of hours we sleep. She believes that sleeping well at night is a skill that we can all develop. 

She completed the Edinburgh Sleep Science Course, accredited by the Royal Society of Physicians and continues her research as a Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine. 

For the last over 6 years, Beatrix has been working with professionals to help them overcome insomnia and other sleep problems. She regularly presents workshops for organizations and to the public to raise awareness about sleep-related issues that affect so many professionals on a daily basis. 

Please keep reading to find out more…

In the United Kingdom alone approximately 1 in 3 of us struggle with insomnia and other sleep problems on a daily basis, not even mentioning worldwide figures! Yet solving most non-medical sleep-related problems can be so simple by combining the science of sleep with the practical tools and techniques that I call Sleep Skills For Life. Through this more holistic approach that I believe in, even those who have struggled with sleep problems for years can learn how to sleep well consistently every night. 

Beatrix A Schmidt

Beatrix A Schmidt - Resources